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Premium Quality Epoxy Primer
The Urethane Epoxy primer is 1-component epoxy system that is used as a base coat on countertops before adding Primo Resin's Counter epoxy. There are numerous advatanges in using Primo's Epoxy primer for your countertop project as it ensures a better adhesion of the epoxy with your countertop materiel, it helps with reducing air bubbles, allows a stronger bondage with epoxy resin and provides a clean foundation to build your desired epoxy countertop design.
Our epoxy primer is water-based and does not contain any solvents for a non-toxic and safe experience.
Fast Dry
Primo's Epoxy Primer dries in 2-4 hours, allowing you to complete your countertop epoxy project in no time!
Great Adhesion
Recommended for countertop epoxy projects as it ads greater adhesion between your countertop materiel and epoxy resin.
Easy To Use
Primo Resin's 1-component epoxy primer is premixed and ready to use right out of the box!
We Make Your Decision Easy
Fast & Free Shipping
Any order receives free and fast delivery. Resin kits ship out on the same day most of the time.
30-day return policy
Feel free to use your epoxy within 30 days. If not, you can exchange it for a complete refund.
Friendly Customer Service
Seven days a week, epoxy specialists are available to answer any questions you might have.
Epoxy Calculator
When it comes to getting the highest quality results, any artist understands the importance of using high-end materials.